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How Roof Inspections Protect Your Home and Keep Your Family Safe

Your roof is the first line of defence protecting your home against weather elements in Memphis. If your roof is leaking or needs repair then you are putting your valuables at risk. Part of the problem is that roofs are one of those elements in your home that are out of sight and out of mind and many home owners neglect this critical element of their home.

If you have your roof inspected regularly you can not only maintain the quality of your roof but also extend its life expectancy and keep your home protected.

In fact, more than 80% of all roof leaks can be prevented by catching problems early with timely roof inspections in Memphis. For commercial properties, annual roof inspections keep facility managers informed which reduces the unexpected costs down the road. Our roof inspection service in Memphis allows decision makers to make accurate budgets for repairs and replacements in the future. For residential customers, our roof inspection services can preserve your roof, protect your home, and increase the resale value of your property by having regular roof maintenance performed on problem areas. Catching problem areas as early as possible results in more cost-effective roof repairs and can help you avoid costly roof repairs in the future.

It is important to have a professional roof inspector visit your property to inspect your roof system. A good roof inspector will always walk on the roof because it is impossible to see all roof defects and problem areas from the ground… even with binoculars! In some cases, your roof may be too steep or made of fragile materials such as cedar shakes or slate. If this is the case, we will perform the roof inspection from a ladder against the side of the house and we will carefully review the entire roof system with binoculars. We do recommend whenever possible that an on-site (on the roof itself) inspection be performed.

Our highly trained roof inspectors will check the roof’s materials, pipe vents and flashings, gutters, skylights, exhausters, ridge vents and all other aspects of your roof.

Additionally, no Memphis roof inspection is complete without a thorough inspection of the attic as well.

Memphis roof repairs can require as little as 20 minutes of caulking or as much as an entire roof replacement in Memphis. It is extremely important for the safety of your home, your valuables, and your family that inspections are performed because leaks in your roof can lead to rotten sheathing, rotten rafters, damage to interior finishing, damage to flooring and carpeting, and damage to roofing felt.

Take precautions and detect problems with your roof early and have them repaired at a fraction of the cost of having your entire roof replaced because you neglected to have a professional roofing contractor in Memphis visit your property.

Our goal is to preserve your roof and provide affordable and high quality roofing repairs in Memphis for all of our customers.

inspections, residential