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Tag: winter

Is Your Roof Ready For Winter?

Winter weather is here. Will your roof be able to withstand the elements? Checking up on your roof should be a top priority this winter By insulating and protecting your home, your roof serves as your shelter from cold weather. If a broken tree limb or heavy snow damages the roof, be prepared for a list of problems. To avoid having a list of problems, we have compiled a list of ways you can make sure your roof is ready for winter.  

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Holiday Proof Your Roof

Happy holidays from Brian Elder Roofing! During this festive and cheerful time of the year, one thing that adds to the fun is driving around neighborhoods to see the homes whose homeowners have gone all out decorating their roofs and even their lawns with Christmas lights and displays, especially the ones as decked out as Clark Griswold’s home in the movie Christmas Vacation.   

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The Dangers of Ice Dams on a Roof

Brian Elder Roofing

Now that we had our first snow, we should keep a close eye on our roof. When ice and snow build up on a roof, you could potentially have an ice dam form up there. Unfortunately, an ice dam could cause major roof damage. 

What is an Ice Dam? 

An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at your roof’s edge. This ridge of ice prevents melting snow from draining off the roof. The ridge causes a large puddle of water on your roof. The water from the puddle can leak into your house and cause damage to insulation, ceilings, walls, and other areas. Your worst-case scenario is for the roof to cave in since it can no longer hold the water. You also run the risk of mold forming in your home where the water sits.  

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